Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Female Draenei! For Real This Time!

Blizzard has come out with a one-two punch, now showing us the actual, real female Draenei model. The latest Artcraft post does not go into quite as much detail as the previous one, and the big caveat is that this model's still a work in progress and has not been animated yet, but once again, we're looking pretty good, or at least the lady Draenei are.

Honestly, while they are clearly dated, I always thought the Draenei were the best-looking of the "old" races, and figured they would need the least touching up. Granted, all of the models are getting more than a "touching up," as I believe they're all really just getting rebuilt from the ground up. But the overall change in look is far more subtle in the Draenei, because it really doesn't have to be that profound.

For those keeping score at home:

Human: 1/2
Dwarf: 2/2
Gnome: 2/2
Night Elf: 0/2 (though there was a data mined female that had apparently been scrapped and they went back to the drawing board.)
Draenei: 1/2

Orc: 2/2
Troll: 0/2
Tauren: 1/2
Undead: 2/2
Blood Elf: 0/2

That means that we have seen (and I'm talking about this in the broadest terms - those quick glimpses of the Male Undead at Blizzcon count) 11/20 of the revamped models. I'm very happy with all of these, though if there's one thing that makes me nervous it's how I'm going to keep my food down when my undead Rogue starts to talk with such detailed animation. The guy has no flesh on his jaw (though at least he has a jaw... oh dear, that's going to be gross.)

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