Thursday, February 22, 2018

Mag'har Orc /silly and /flirt Emotes Datamined: Allied Race Confirmed

Well, given that they were one of the most common suggestions for "sub-races" when the idea first started floating around, and Blizzard mentioned them specifically as a possibility, it should not come as a big surprise that the fourth Horde allied race will be the Mag'har.

Now, let's get specific:

It appears that these are going to be from Draenor B, not Outland. The Mag'har on Outland were a very small population - the vast majority of Draenor A Orcs are already represented by the main Orc race in-game. Given that the demonic influence of the Legion was around for a far briefer period of time on Draenor B, it makes sense that many more of these Orcs would have the natural brown skin.

Given that Draneor B is in far better condition than Outland, and that while we steamrolled the Iron Horde, it was a pretty pure military defeat as opposed to an utter destruction of their civilization, it's likely that the former members of the Iron Horde are a larger population - possibly larger than the Horde's current Orc population. This would make them a really huge asset for the Horde, though one of the freaky consequences of bringing them on is that you might actually have multiple versions of existing people serving in the same Horde. We never saw a young Varok Saurfang in Warlords, but when the Horde recruits them, they might find a young badass pair of Blackrock brothers, Varok and Broxigar.

Despite only announcing six allied races with the expansion, they gave us four new character slots. I assumed that they had assumed most players had their Alliance and Horde characters on different servers, which would leave room for one new character of each of these races - plus one.

But with Mag'har as the next Horde allied race, that fourth slot is going to be pretty good to have around. The question, then, is what the Alliance gets next (Kul Tirasian human would be a pretty good counterpart to Mag'har Orc, seeing as how Orcs and Humans are kind of the ultimate mirror match.)

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