Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree DLC Announced

 One year after the release of FromSoft's massive Open-World Souls-like that swiftly became one of my favorite games of all time, we've finally got the announcement of its (first?) DLC: Shadow of the Erdtree.

We have next to zero info on it - this announcement tweet came only half an hour before the post you're currently reading, with news that the DLC is in development, but no info on its release date or anything.

Still, I'm super excited for more Elden Ring. The only bit of info, as far as I know, about the expansion is this image:

So, what do we see here?

First, we've got something that looks like a burned-out, broken Erdtree (or another tree - it could even be the Haligtree, though the title seems to imply it's the Erdtree) in the background, with some kind of golden light or sap dripping from it, along with darker dust, ash, or something.

We're on a field of what looks kind of like wheat, out of which spectral stones and these kind of rounded crosses are rising, and then what appears to be Torrent carrying a long-haired blonde figure in white with braided hair. My immediate guess is that this could be Miquella, though they seem more adult than the "cursed to eternally be a child" demigod. That said, some of what Gideon Ofnir says when you find Miquella in the cocoon with Mohg implies that he might not be dead, but could still be developing and metamorphosing - maybe Miquella will be able to grow to adulthood.

There are also these ruined archways in the fields here - each arch seems to have a similar design, though some are part of larger building structures and some appear to stand on their own.

Obviously, piecing together the context of all these images is a big part of the joy of these games' lore. I'll keep an eye out for details.

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