Friday, November 3, 2023

The Worldsoul Saga: World of Warcraft's Three-Expansion Epic

 Well, I didn't see that coming!

Marking twenty years of WoW next year, Blizzard has announced that they're doing something big and ambitious: The Worldsoul Saga is going to be an ongoing storyline for the next three expansions.

First is The War Within, which looks to be, at least partially, WoW's "Lost World" expansion, taking us into subterranean realms, including an ancient Nerubian empire, with Xal'atath serving as the big bad of the expansion. We have a little more in terms of details here (though more to come) in that we'll be getting Earthen Dwarves as a new allied race (presumably available to both sides, as they didn't announce another one,) we'll be getting "dynamic flying" (aka Dragonriding but for other kinds of mounts,) and there will be new "hero talents" that allow classes to specialize further, with Dark Rangers and Farseers being presented as options. There's also some new feature called Warbands, which is meant to help share progress between alts, sharing bank spaces, reputations, and other things.

The second expansion is called Midnight, which is set to take place in Quel'thalas, and involves the forces of darkness trying to corrupt the Sunwell, and will see the various Elven peoples uniting to face this threat.

The third expansion and culmination of the Worldsoul Saga is The Last Titan, which will take us back to Northrend and focus on the Titans' return to Azeroth and revolve around Ulduar, and is said to involve the unveiling of a great conspiracy involving the Titans.

This is enormous - we have yet to see precisely how the return to old regions will work (I'm assuming we'll get a separate version of those regions, possibly expanding Quel'thalas to make it big enough to hold a whole expansion) but the two "return" expansions will presumably not be coming until 2026 and 2028 respectively.

For now, what we've gotten cinematics-wise is a scene of Anduin and Thrall, the former still deeply, horribly traumatized by his experiences in the Shadowlands, but both have been getting visions from the World Soul, begging for aid. In the in-game-style features trailer, we see that Alleria, through her connection to the Void, is getting visions of Xal'atath.

The WoW What's Next Panel is coming soon, so we should hopefully have more details to share soon.

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