Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Siege of Orgrimmar Boss List

Well, more datamining has yielded a highly-anticipated set of information: the boss list of Siege of Orgrimmar. And boy howdy, it's a big one. With 14 bosses (assuming that these are all within the raid, and not, like, World Bosses,) Siege of Orgrimmar is poised to be the biggest raid since Ulduar, with which it ties for second biggest (both of them are one boss short of Naxxramas' 15.)

Interestingly, the boss list seems to imply that SoO will actually begin in the Vale of Eternal Blossoms, and that only after the first four bosses (maybe) will we actually begin the assault on Orgrimmar itself.

All credit here goes to MMO-Champion.

So, without further ado: the boss list. Included here with a "-" are the descriptions in what might be the Dungeon Journal.

Immerseus - Tears of the Vale

This appears to be some kind of water elemental with some very nice textures and perhaps a hint of sha-corruption. Given how pissed everyone is at the Horde's digging up the Vale of Eternal Blossoms (and taking what seems to be Y'shaarj's heart from it,) it stands to reason that the elements would rise up against them, and perhaps cannot tell one little meatbag from another.

The Fallen Protectors

It appears that the members of the Golden Lotus have been corrupted somehow, and we must fight them as well.


The giant Mogu/Golem construct found in Y'shaarj's chamber is likely none-too-pleased about the loss of the Heart, though there is a "PH" label here, meaning Placeholder, though that could simply refer to the model. Either that, or it's the placeholder for the Dungeon Journal description.

Sha of Pride - the Seventh Sha

We knew this guy was going to come back to fight us after we escorted the spirit of Shaohao up Mt. Neverest. Again, there's a PH label here, but the Sha of Pride model already looks pretty nice.

From here, it appears that we get to attack the city itself.

Galakras - Warlord Zaela's proto-drake

Another PH label, though the model I've seen has serious missing textures, so it could simply refer to the model. Do we fight Zaela herself? Obviously, Horde players have had a chance to get to like Zaela, but we recruited her into Garrosh's Horde, and so perhaps it's not unreasonable that she would remain loyal to him. Then again, she said she respected him for being pure-blooded, unlike the Fel Orcs that controlled the Dragonmaw before she took over...

Iron Juggernaut

This appears to be some kind of giant mecha-scorpion, assuming the model I'm thinking of corresponds to this boss.

Kor'kron Dark Shaman - Haromm and Kardris trained thousands of shaman to whisper reverently to the elements to requisition their aid. The army of Garrosh, however, does not ask - they take what they desire in the name of the True Horde. Dark Shamanism forces the elements into servitude, twisting them into burned-out ash, corrupted waters, and toxic air.

Well, that kind of spells it out for you, doesn't it? I'd assume that these two have indeed become Dark Shaman, and are the bosses that we fight. Expect a lot of adds, I'd guess.

General Nazgrim - Once a grunt in service of the former warchief, Thrall, General Nazgrim rose quickly through the ranks after overwhelming victories in Grizzly Hills and the sunken city of Vashj'ir. Fiercly loyal to the Horde and bound by a rigorous code of honor and duty, Nazgrim will hold the line for his warchief until his dying breath.

Well this is pretty sad, but not inconceivable. Nazgrim is forced to fight us on principle, but I expect a victory over this guy to be bittersweet at best. I'd love for Admiral Taylor, his opposite number in the Alliance, to be there to eulogize him afterward - to sell these two as ultimately worthy opponents who respected each other. This would seem to epitomize the sad fact that by taking on the Warchief, Horde players are going to have to turn against people that they might like.


This guy, on the other hand, seems like an utter monsters, from what little I've heard about him. Like an Orcish SS Officer, this guy is all about screwing the other races and murdering dissenters. Unlike Nazgrim, no one is going to mourn this guy.

Spoils of Pandaria

No idea what this will be. Beasts? Things...? Or possibly stuff?

Thok the Bloodthirsty

I'm guessing some sort of Dire Orc like Gurtogg Bloodboil. Totally speculation there.

Siegecrafter Blackfuse

I'd guess a Goblin. The only non-Orc race the Kor'kron seem to be able to get to work for them are Goblins, presumably because of the promise of money.

Paragons of the Klaxxi

Well this one comes way out of left-field. Anyone who has reached exalted with the Klaxxi knows that in the long run, we're going to have to fight them. They worship the Old Gods, and despite the fact that they respect the player for his or her strength, they aren't really ever "good guys." Still, they seem to oppose the Sha, which they likely see as a mockery of Y'shaarj, which makes me curious to see how they will fit in. Is Garrosh trying to recruit the Mantid into the Horde?

Garrosh Hellscream - Warchief of the True Horde

Well, this is the one we knew was going down. There are two models of him, one uncorrupted, but seemingly older and more worn out, and also one where he's drenched in Sha-energy and some extra creepy eyes that make him look a bit like Cho'gall. I'd expect that this corruption happens during the fight, as one last attempt to try to defeat us. I just hope that they make it perfectly clear that Garrosh willingly brings on the Old God corruption, and not that the whispers of Y'shaarj have somehow corrupted him beforehand. We've seen that story enough (and also, taking it on willingly parallels his dad's story pretty well, which has a certain poetry to it.)

Anyway, there you go. Looks to be a pretty epic raid. Not sure what I think about what appears to be a first wing that takes place in the Vale, but even if you take four bosses out of Orgrimmar proper, there's still a ton of bosses to fight. I expect this is going to be quite the epic raid (and I'm looking forward to hopefully hitting it up on the Flex difficulty with the guild.)

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