Thursday, July 24, 2014

Gul'dan and the Legendary Ring of Warlords

While I wouldn't rule out weapon legendaries coming out in individual tiers, you had to expect that, given the success of the Mists of Pandaria legendary cloak chain, Blizzard would want to do something similar.

While looking over content for the latest beta build, I came across this little stretch of dialogue options (found on MMO-Champion)

  • As powerful as I am, I cannot be everywhere at once.
  • Game Text #86959 - But you, commander, are my greatest resource. Between the skill of your allies and the might of your garrison, there is not a stronghold that can withstand you.
  • Game Text #86960 - Under your leadership, the full might of the Alliance expeditionary force will engage the Iron Horde.
  • Game Text #86961 - Under your command, the Horde's greatest warriors will engage Grommash and his army.
  • Game Text #86962 - But I will be concentrating on the single greatest threat to the safety of Azeroth:
  • Game Text #86963 - Gul'dan. Darkness incarnate.
  • Game Text #86964 - In all my years, Gul'dan is the craftiest, most diabolical foe I have ever encountered. I hold myself accountable for his release.
  • Game Text #86965 - We MUST find and eliminate Gul'dan and his nascent Shadow Council network.
  • Game Text #86966 - With your help, I can track him down. I will ask a great deal of you. I will task you to the very edge of your abilities.
  • Game Text #86967 - But I will also help you as much as I am able. Together we will create for you an artifact of legendary power.
  • Game Text #86968 - With a core forged from the heart of Draenor's sun, this ring is a foundation upon which we will build a wonder.

While it doesn't say explicitly who is speaking, it seems pretty clear that this will be Khadgar sending you on your legendary quest line.

I had wondered, actually, if we might find ourselves allying with Gul'dan in order to defeat the Iron Horde. Wrathion isn't a villain, per se, (though he did help spring Garrosh,) but there was definitely a "morally grey" feeling to Mists' legendary chain. But it looks like we draw the line at the most evil mortal who ever lived. Go figure.

Given that this seems to be focused on eliminating Gul'dan, this could potentially hint that Grommash isn't actually the final boss of the expansion.

I do wonder, however, if we'll have the same kind of bonuses along the way as we did with the cloak chain, or if we'll just get a better ring each tier. And theoretically, one could limit this to a single tier, though honestly, this feels a lot bigger than that.

Anyway, keeping an eye out here more details, both on legendaries and Gul'dan.

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