Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Iron Assembly LFR - Tank Perspective

The final real "wing" before we face Blackhand, the Iron Assembly has us facing Beastlord Darmac, Operator Thogar, and the Iron Maidens: Admiral Gar'an, Enforcer Sorka, and Marak the Blooded.

Trash before Darmac:

As with all the wings, you'll begin at the very start of the instance, with that nasty Ogron to deal with. You'll head right, but go farther in past the door to the Slagworks.

The trash in this wing is fairly easy to deal with and rather straightforward, so I won't focus much on it.

Beastlord Darmac:

Darmac is off in a little side room. He has three mounts that he'll jump onto at certain points during the fight - a Rylak, an Elekk, and a Wolf. He'll jump onto whichever living beast is nearest to him. When he does so, you'll have to kill the animal in order to attack him again. When the beast is dead, Darmac will gain one of the beast's abilities.

Periodically, he'll call in a bunch of beasts from the north-central door in the room. Whichever tank is not on the boss should just go pick them up and then the raid should AoE them down.

Additionally, spears will fall from the air. Try to dodge these, as those who are pinned by them will be stunned until the spear is destroyed. If you see someone pinned, help them out by killing the spear.

The Elekk has a tank-swap armor debuff and a channeled AoE called Tantrum. When the Elekk is down, he'll retain Tantrum.

The Wolf will do Rend and Tear, jumping into the ranged group and then back, applying a stacking bleed to anyone in range. There is a slight delay before he jumps, so you should be able to dodge. Darmac learns this after the wolf is dead.

Finally, the Rylak has a fire-DOT that works as a tank-swap mechanic. It also has a flame-breath, which players should run out of. When dead, Darmac gets "Burning Shrapnel," which is roughly the same as the flame breath.

Darmac's relatively simple.

Operator Thogar:

Thogar is basically a rail station conductor, and you'll fight him on a set of four tracks. Throughout the fight, trains will come through on the tracks. You definitely don't want to get hit by the trains - make sure you're watching which doors are open to know which track to not be standing on.

Thogar has a simple tank-swap mechanic in the form of Enkindle (taunt at two stacks.)

Three kinds of trains will come through.

Express Trains just charge through, shooting fire near them (like the Iron Stars on Garrosh) and dealing a bunch of damage (on LFR it's not automatically lethal, but it ain't good.)

Troop Trains will drop off several adds. These guys should be AoE'd down. Some will drop time bombs and others will create little electrical puddles that do a bunch of damage.

Finally, some trains will come in with turrets that I believe ranged can kill.

As the fight goes on, it seems that more trains park on the tracks, giving you fewer places to run to avoid getting hit.

Again, though, not terribly difficult - make sure to look at the doors on either side of the room to help predict where the trains are coming from.

The Iron Maidens:

This one's tough, though not quite Kromog tough.

There are three bosses, Sorka, Gar'an, and Marak. Gar'an is a hunter and will target random raid members, so tanks only need to throw some nominal threat on her (to keep her grouped up with the others.) Sorka is a rogue and Marak is a shaman. At first you'll want to cleave them down evenly, as when one of them gets to 20% health, they'll all gain Iron Will, increasing their damage done over time. So you want them as close to each other as possible until they get to 20%, at which point you'll want to take Gar'an, then Marak, then Sorka down.

Throughout the fight, one of the bosses will jump over to the ship and begin to bombard the platform you're on. One tank, one healer, and I believe four DPS should go over and kill the adds on the ship in order to get her to go back (I think you might have to set off a bomb or something - the other tank was doing the ship.)

While one of the bosses is on the ship, you'll get three abilities to deal with, always in these same order. Alpha Pattern bombardment will cause damage in a relatively sparse pattern - easy to dodge. Omega Pattern however will only leave a few safe spots. When the bombardment starts, a grid of bombs will appear. Those not hit by Omega Bombardment will begin to glow red/pink and explode. Get away from them, but quickly get back into the gap they've left, as all the other bombs will soon explode thereafter.

Gar'an will do a couple things. She'll shoot at random raid members. Sometimes she'll line up a powerful shot, signified by a straight red line. The more people in the line, the more the damage gets split. She'll also single out people for Rapid Fire, which will chase the player. If you get focused, run away from the raid and don't run the thing through them. At the last phase, she'll summon turrets that spit out fireballs that do a stacking DoT. Ranged has to focus these down ASAP.

Marak, other than melee, pretty much just does Blood Ritual on random players. Tanks can intercept this squiggly red line to save the raid member (the damage I took from it seemed to be insignificant.)

Sorka will jump to random raid members and stab them, but she seems to be the least troublesome.

Once all three maidens have done their ship duty, it's time to take them down. The worst of these is Gar'an's Deploy Turret - make sure that Ranged focus the turrets down as soon as they can, but melee should stay far away from them so they can more easily dodge the fire.

There are plenty of other abilities, but most are your sort of standard raid damage stuff (I think there's a debuff to be dispelled, but I never got it.)

One last note: for the Legendary chain, you'll need to go out onto the rock surface next to the dock you're standing on to get the Draenic Navigation Orb, as it's not actually picked up from the bosses themselves.

And with that, we've got the third wing of BRF down. It's just Blackhand now!

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