Monday, April 9, 2018

Magic the Gathering returns to Dominaria

So the big caveat to this whole post is that I haven't played Magic for probably over ten years. Still, the game is a huge part of my background in both nerdy games and fantasy fiction. Indeed, looking back on my childhood, I didn't really read a whole lot of fantasy until I got to Lord of the Rings as a Freshman in High School. But Magic was a giant thing for me in the background.

I started playing when I was eight (maybe seven?) in either second or third grade (I'm a June baby, so each school year I spent was almost entirely during one numerical age.) Anyway, my first cards were a booster pack of Fallen Empires cards and then a big box (60 cards) from the Revised Edition, in which I got a Royal Assassin, which kind of steered me toward Black decks moving forward.

I played up though about sixth grade, and then picked it up again in Magic Online in college, using an emulator to play the PC program on my Mac.


For the last decade+, Magic has generally had each major block of card sets take place in a new plane - the core concept of the game is that players are Planeswalkers - former mortals who have ascended to become essentially gods, and travel between various planes. Thus, we've gotten places like Ravnica - a plane that is just one enormous city - and Mirrodin - an artificial plane in which even the biological life incorporates mechanical and metallic elements.

But the world that the game was initially set in was a place called Dominaria, and while there was a brief return to this plane in the Time Spiral block, that was over ten years ago.

So it's pretty exciting to see a return to this original plane.

While Dominaria doesn't have quite the high-concept pitch of some of the more recent creations (Innistrad, the gothic horror plane, or Zendikar, the dungeon-punk plane,) Dominaria also has ages worth of history, with the ancient Thran, the Brothers' War, Urza's thousands of years fighting the Phyrexians, the crisis of the Mirari. Personally, I have a soft spot for the Sarpadian era - probably a footnote in the lore as it was about the fall of empires on one continent following the Brothers' War, but it's the story from the first booster pack I bought!

Anyway, I don't know if I'm likely to get into Magic again any time soon - I think my CCG play is mostly casual Hearthstone - but I do get a pang of nostalgia hearing about Dominaria again (which, to be fair, is probably by design.)

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