Monday, April 7, 2014

Male Tauren Model Unveiled with Animations! Plus, some Draenei Stuff?

Technically, we saw the male tauren at Blizzcon, but we get to see a lot more detail in the latest Artcraft post.

The new post gives some insight into the animation of the Male Tauren, and, as usual, I am very impressed with what they've got. One of the interesting issues with the faces of the old models (and I believe this extends to the Cataclysm models even) is that the only thing they can really adjust on the face is the jaw. Starting with the Pandaren, they created a whole facial rig that allows for the kinds of expressions you see above.

The Tauren have always been one of my favorite races, but they are also one of the vanilla models that shows its age the most. The expressiveness of the new model is very exciting, especially given that, unlike humans or orcs, for example, there hasn't ever been a unique "leader" model for Tauren. Both Cairne and Baine have used the same old model. There have been Tauren variants like the Taunka and the Yaungol, but we've never been able to see a really updated Tauren look until now.

I highly recommend checking out the post there, as it has several videos that show detail about how the animation is pulled off. It's cool stuff.

Now, as a little bonus: You'll remember that on April Fool's, we got a look at a very silly, possibly sexist, depending on your interpretation, look at the female Draenei. Obviously, the "derp-face" model was a joke, but that does leave us in a painful position of waiting for the real female Draenei.

Well, I have no idea where the commenter who posted this got this image, and whether it's legit or just a really skillful re-adjustment of the April Fool's joke, but if I had to bet, I'd say that this is our Draenei female:

EDIT: It appears that this is, actually, just a really, really well-done fan-made version. Still, I wouldn't be surprised if we see something fairly similar when the model is revealed.

Yeah, that's more like it, right?

Oh, and here's Velen. (Care of MMO-Champion)

EDIT: This one's real.

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