Thursday, July 10, 2014

Male Draenei Preview

The latest Artcraft is up, and we've got a preview of the male Draenei.

Now, admittedly, this is not the first we're seeing of the boys in blue, as the new Draenei model has been up on the Beta since its beginning. Still, this is an up-close and personal look that's available to all.

Once again, and as noted in the article, the Male Draenei was one of the best-looking pre-Cata models, so the revamp here is somewhat subtler. Still, there's a very clear change in resolution and the new facial rigging is obviously far more versatile. As I noted before, the Draenei's run and general movement has been improved in subtle but impactful ways, and their shoulder armor seems to be at a better angle (which is less visible here.)

There are a few little nitpicks I have, though. The eyes seem a little rounder than they used to be, and the facial tendrils are thicker, which does change the look of the character.

Still, compare this to, say, the human, orc, or dwarf, and this really feels like just a touchup of what's already there.

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