Tuesday, November 28, 2017

The Aftermath of Antorus

Now that the raid is open, the end cinematic is available to watch.

To summarize, it appears that the cloud of fel darkness around Azeroth as seen from the Seat of the Triumvirate is actually Sargeras himself in a kind of gaseous form. Defeating the titan Argus allows the Pantheon to channel their power and draw in Sargeras to imprison him within their space-palace, the Seat of the Pantheon. So yes, we finally get to see Sargeras fully-rendered in his fiery form, though only in a cutscene. Velen and the raid board the Vindicaar to escape and travel back to Azeroth, while Illidan, echoing Maiev's comments, says that the hunter is nothing without the hunt, and his quarry is finally within his grasp. Velen acknowledges that it was not fate that allowed them to prevail, seeing Illidan eye-to-eye. Sargeras is beamed into his chair at the palace where Illidan volunteers to be his eternal jailor. But as Sargeras is being pulled in, he summons his massive sword and drives it down into Azeroth's surface.

As Velen releases a sigh of relief that has taken him 25,000 years to get to, we see Sargeras' sword towering over Silithus.

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