Saturday, April 20, 2019

Dwarf Heritage Armor

I got my Hunter - once my 2nd most important Alliance character - to 120 and was able to do the Dwarf Heritage Armor quest (he's a dwarf, in case you couldn't tell.)

Oddly, there's actually not an achievement attached to this quest chain, but you do get a very cool-looking set of armor (that, admittedly, would probably look most appropriate on a Plate-wearing character - but heritage sets do tend to skew toward one type of armor or another.)

Anyway, you begin by finding a table in the Gol Bolar quarry in eastern Dun Morogh, which you take to Brann Bronzebeard. You then travel into Old Ironforge and find the chambers of Aegrim Bronzebeard, an ancient ancestor of the royal brothers' who was the last to have a set of mountain king armor. The armor he wore has broken apart, and you need to reforge it. The problem is that the metal requires the Great Forge to be far hotter than it currently is.

For that, you go to Ulduar where Ignis the Furnace Master - rebuilt and freed of Yogg-Saron's corruption - can be recruited to stoke the flames. The problem, then, is that as a normal dwarf you can't actually survive the heat required to forge the armor. Brann enlists the Earthen named Bouldercrag to help perform a ritual on you that essentially allows you to keep up your Stoneform for a longer period of time - long enough to forge the armor.

With all the preparation in place, the Great Forge is cleared so that you can Ignis can make the armor. Presenting it to Muradin, you gain access to this cool transmog set on all Dwarf characters on your account.

It's a pretty simple series of quests, and while it's fun (especially to get use out of Old Ironfroge, and really just Ironforge itself, which I have a nostalgic love for since prior to Cataclysm it was kind of the main Alliance city) this isn't a super deep-dive on Dwarven lore. Bringing the Earthen in is cool, giving us a reference to the dwarves' titanic origins, but if you're looking for a massive lore drop, this isn't really what you'll get.

Still, the armor looks great, and I'm wearing it proudly on my little dwarf.

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