Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Visions of N'Zoth

Yesterday, the final major patch of Battle for Azeroth dropped. Our conflict with the Old God N'zoth is coming to a head, as the nightmarish alternate realm of Ny'alotha threatens to invade and overwrite Azeroth.

The patch story starts with a very long series of quests that take you to the two zones most affected by the invasions: Uldum and the Vale of Eternal Blossoms.

These quests will take a good chunk of time (and I'm nervous about taking all my alts through them) but you unlock the following features:

Uldum and the Vale are each attacked by various forces - both get hit by the Black Empire sometimes, or another faction. The Amanhet in Uldum are a group of radical Tol'vir who seek to trigger the Halls of Origination and wipe out the entire planet, considering anyone with the Curse of Flesh too corrupt to save, and willing to die if it means stopping the corruption. There is also a Mogu faction that I may have to do more quests to learn about that is attacking in the Vale when it's not the Black Empire.

In these zones, you can also go into a smaller region of a horrific vision in order to get Coalescing Visions which you can then trade for an item that allows you to do the Horrific Vision content - a 1-5 scenario where you can earn things to upgrade the legendary cloak that Wrathion gives you.

Additionally, Vulpera and Mechagnomes are now unlockable if you've done the requisite quests and have hit exalted with the appropriate factions (I hadn't run Mechagon yet, so I did so on heroic and got my a robo-gnome.)

Worgen and Goblins also now have heritage armor.

Likewise, you can now make Pandaren and Allied Race Death Knights, with a much quicker starting experience (I haven't tried, but I think the old one might just not exist anymore, which is a shame, because even if it does show its age after 12 years, I always thought that was one of the best quest lines they ever did.) Anyway, I have a female Void Elf Frost Death Knight ready to go now.

There is a ton of content to do. I'm a little concerned that it will take so long to unlock some of it on each character, but if you've been waiting to have more to do in WoW, well, here you go!

The raid, Ny'altoha, the Waking City, doesn't open for a while (as tends to be the case these days) but you can get some decent catch-up gear by fighting N'zoth's invasions.

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