Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Trying to Decide Whether to Go Against Type or With It With Covenants

I have a lot of alts (see name of blog).

I will almost certainly have at least 4 characters at max level in Shadowlands (in fact, likely before the second major raid comes out) and so I expect to play through each of the four covenant stories.

The question, then, is which covenant for which characters?

Here are my first five characters in order of my sort of play-priority:

Human Protection Paladin
Draenei Frost (usually, though often also Blood) Death Knight
Night Elf Havoc Demon Hunter
Tauren Enhancement Shaman
Undead Subtlety Rogue

The way I see it, the following are the "obvious" choices for them:

Paladin - Kyrians
DK - Necrolords
Demon Hunter - Venthyr
Shaman - Night Fae
Rogue - Venthyr

But there are some considerations to be made:

For one thing, if I want to max out the transmog options I get, I need to at least have the Demon Hunter and Rogue  do different covenants. Both, I've conceived as being hedonists who engage in heroism primarily just to preserve their ability to indulge in their vices (arguably the Demon Hunter took more extreme measures to do so, though the Rogue arguably has more reason to be pissed off - his fine wines don't taste as good to him as they did in life). They both feel like good fits for the Venthyr, but as both are leather-wearers, I kind of want to send them to different places.

The Demon Hunter, admittedly, given his fateful choice to become part-demon to fight demons, would probably fit in quite well with the Necrolords, whose whole deal is relentlessness.

Naturally, we'll have to consider how the actual sets look, too.

Part of me wants to play against type, though, and have the Paladin go for something that isn't all angel-land. I'd actually considered having the Death Knight join the Kyrians, as post-Argus, his mission has transformed from vengeful obliteration to an unceasing duty.

The Shaman also might not perfectly fit with the Night Fae, given that he's more concerned with the primal, pre-organic forces of nature.

It's really just a big question of what story makes the most sense for each character, and what will look the best on each of them. I think that means the Rogue really has to go Venthyr, as he is about as Ravenloft as any of my characters get.

Oh well, plenty of time to choose.

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