Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Sorcerer Deep Dive

 Sorcerers are a perfectly good and strong class, but the 2024 PHB is still going to be bringing some big changes.

Naturally, like other classes who got their subclasses at earlier levels, Sorcerers will see their subclass now show up at 3rd level. This leads, then, to shuffling some of their features and adding new features.

And the first one is Innate Sorcery. Somewhat like a Barbarian's Rage, this will be a buff Sorcerers can activate early in a fight to boost their power over the course of it. I believe its primary function is that it will increase the saving throw DC of their sorcerer spells by 1, but I think other features might interact with it as well. You'll have limited uses of this per day, but can also eventually fuel it with Sorcery Points.

Font of Magic, your Sorcery Point feature, still comes at level 2, but Metamagic, previously held off until level 3, is now also gained at level 2.

Eventually, Sorcerers will get the option to combine Metamagic options on a single spell, and at level 20, your capstone feature, Arcane Apotheosis, allows you a free Metamagic option every turn (possibly with some limitations on certain metamagic options).

As far as subclasses go, the Aberrant and Clockwork subclasses (previously Aberrant Mind and Clockwork Soul) seem like they're going to be coming in largely unchanged, just getting some language tweaks to fit with the new version of the Sorcerer.

Draconic Sorcery (formerly Draconic Bloodline) is getting a few buffs.

First off, like Aberrant and Clockwork, they'll be getting a set of subclass spells that they'll learn automatically in addition to their normal level-up spells. These include thematic options like Dragon Breath and Summon Dragon (an updated version of Summon Draconic Spirit).

Draconic Sorcerers will still get wings, but the one nerf here is that they're going to have limited use per day.

Finally, their level 18 subclass feature lets them cast Summon Dragon without its costly spell component and without a spell slot once per day. Notably, at least the current version of this summons a Large dragon, meaning that most Sorcerers should be able to use their dragon as a mount (we'll see about how mounts and actions work in the new PHB).

The Wild Magic Sorcerer is getting a few changes.

The most welcome one is that all of the features in the 2014 version of the subclass that required the DM to allow you to use them (such as rolling on the Wild Magic Surge table to get your Tides of Chaos back) no longer need DM permission - you get to flaunt that chaos whenever you choose.

Evidently, the biggest change here is the Wild Magic Surge table, which is supposedly even more chaotic (some results even prompt a second die roll). The Wild Magic Sorcerer doesn't get additional spells like the other three subclasses, but this table essentially plays that role - you just won't always know what spell or effect is happening.

I don't think anyone was complaining about the Sorcerer lacking power, but it does look like the class is getting a slight incremental power buff. In the UA, the only major nerf was to Twin Spell metamagic, which was probably fair - though I don't know what the final version if it is.

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