Friday, September 21, 2012

The Other Monk, or the Other Pandaren?

When Mists goes live, and I log in for the first time, I'll probably take my main directly to Pandaria. But I imagine that within that first day or so (when I get fed up with dealing with the huge, huge rush of people in Jade Forest) I'll start my Monk.

I felt pretty conflicted about races here. The problem is that, on one hand, I would like to go against the grain and have a non-Pandaren monk. On the other hand, I'd also like to have both an Alliance and Horde Pandaren.

And I've got a toon of each class on each side (read the name of the blog. Admittedly, the Gnome Priest has been sitting outside New Gnomeregan at level 5 since 2010.) I also have at least one toon of every race (only one Human, Night Elf, Blood Elf and Goblin) So on both servers, I have only one slot open.

I imagine I will be making my main Monk both Pandaren and Alliance (and a Brewmaster,) because the original, Alliance wing of my guild is far more active. It still seems I should have a Huojin Pandaren, though. And I do actually want to try out Mistweaver melee healing, because that might actually be a kind of healing I'd be into.


When Monks were first announced, I actually thought I'd love to do a Goblin Monk. Something about being a tiny, green blur (like Yoda!) and combining the irreverent greed of the goblins with the intense discipline of a monk is delightfully ironic. Cue the sad "wah-wah" music. (Actually, I also thought if they made a new hero class that I'd do a Worgen, though I'm pretty happy with the Warrior and the Rogue - though I'm trying to resist making Tripton go Assassination and stick with Combat. I guess since Monks can use 1-handed swords...)

One of my other rules for alts is to never have characters of both the same race and class (likewise class and profession, which I had to break with Ardten and Rechtar so that both sides would have a blacksmith,) which kind of conflicts with the whole "Pandaren of each variety" thing. Probably will have to just not have a Horde Panda.

That leaves us with Tauren, Orc, Undead, and Trolls. Oh, sorry, and Blood Elves. Hm. Nope, not a Blood Elf.

Of these, I think Troll would probably be best. I like the idea of a lanky monk, kind of like Kareem Abdul Jabar in that Bruce Lee movie with the big tower and the yellow jumpsuit.

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