Tuesday, September 15, 2015

The Latest Levels I'm Super Proud of in Super Mario Maker

My Ghost House level  (4491-0000-0033-2201) was quite awesome, but I'm very proud of the kind of duology of levels that have a kind of concept behind them.

The first is an underground level that requires you to blast through several blocks using Bob-Ombs (or simply avoid the flying already-triggered bob-ombs coming out of pipes) to get through. You gradually make your way through a series of challenges before finding a lone Clown Car, which lets you escape at the end of the level. The concept here is that it's an underground Koopa air base, and you're stealing a Clown Car. Why?

The second level is called "Taking Down the Flagship," (code A5B5-0000-0033-5D31) and has you fly that clown car through a couple of little koopa-piloted skiffs (all firing cannons at you, of course) and then breaking into the cargo hold of a massive airship (you do need to, once  again, use bob-ombs to blast your way in.)

I make use of Warp Pipes to have you descend below decks to the Engine Room first, where you have to dodge a couple of sawblades and koopas, (probably should have put in some of those moles that throw wrenches. Oh well.) You emerge in a little gangplank below the ship, hop over a chomp-chomp and then make your way through the arsenal, where several cannons and bob-ombs threaten you. From there, you make it up to the main deck and have to deal with a Hammer Bro. and a giant Goomba with a Bullet Bill Launcher on his back. Going down into a pipe again, you make it to the bridge, where you have to fight (or just bypass) Bowser Jr.

Emerging from that area, you effectively hit the self-destruct button (signified by the detonation of several bob-ombs) and then make your escape on a Clown Car.

But before you can, you have to make it through a massive airforce coming to take revenge, led by a Super-Mushroom-Enlarged Bowser. It's a race to the finish from there.

Damn do I love this game.

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