Friday, January 25, 2019

Metroid Prime 4 Development Restarting

The Metroid Prime series, which began on the Gamecube with its first two installments and then went to the Wii for the third and seemingly final part of the trilogy, was a surprisingly effective translation of a side-scrolling exploration/platforming/action game into a first-person-shooter. When a fourth game was announced for the Switch, fans were pretty excited.

Well, it seems there have been some development problems at Nintendo, and while the game is not cancelled, they've effectively scrapped what they had before and are going back to square one.

One piece of news in all this that could be seen as a positive is that Retro Studios, the American game studio that did the original trilogy, will be the ones making it this time around. I don't know if the same people are there (game three came out what, ten years ago?) But nailing the feel of the older games could make for a better experience.

Metroid is one of the big Nintendo franchises, but it has never been quite as ubiquitous as Mario or Zelda. There was no N64 Metroid game, nor was there one for the Wii U (I think...?)

My hope here is that we'll be able to see this release on the Switch eventually and not have to wait for the next console generation.

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