Saturday, November 7, 2015

Q&A Gems

While not every question was all that interesting (new character slots - something that they've always added with new classes. Shocker: they're adding 12th) there were definitely some pretty big bombshells. Let us see:

Tri-Spec is a Go (and Quad-Spec for Druids)

Yep, it looks like specs will be easy to flip in and out of. Guess my Paladin might get some Holy... sorry, I can't... no. Anyway, this might cut down on people rolling alts of the same toon, but we'll see.

Jaina: Not a Dreadlord

Not a dreadlord. Why would you think she was a Dreadlord? She's a woman who had every right to be super-pissed off at the Horde, and has frankly been pretty chill since 5.2. Alliance characters are allowed to dislike the Horde, not only the other way around.

Karazhan: Likely 5-player Dungeon in 7.1 or thenabouts.

It's not clear if this will replace the old raid (please, please, please no. It's like the best raid to wander around at high level) or be a separate instance (please yes.)

Tirisfal Glades:

We'll find out what's under there. Someone mentioned Old God, though that would contradict an earlier one of these Q&As. Should probably play into the Arms Warrior or Holy Paladin artifact acquisition quest.

Old Gods?

Yes, they'll have a role in Legion. Not sure how big it will be, but it's confirmed.


Bolvar's going to have a cameo, but probably not play a very prominent role. Remember that the dude is very busy holding back the Scourge.

Demon Hunters all Speak Demonic!

DHs will be able to talk cross-faction with each other. But no, the other class orders will still have linguistic restrictions. (Totally seems like DKs should have this as well, but oh well.)

Titan's Grip Lives!

The artifacts are currently just too small. They're going to size them up to make it clear that Fury is still Titan's Grip-y.


He'll look different than he used to and show up at Neltharion's Lair. Different how, is my question. Has he grown up to be a drake? Or is he going all tentacly like his dad?


No timetable, but it's something they want to do.

Challenge Mode Keystones:

Affixes will be universal, but one player's risking their keystone for the whole group, so no matchmaking.

Alleria and Turalyon:

Their return will "Change the way you see WoW" which is a bit ominous.


The Pathfinder achievement will be visible and you can work on it in 7.0, but it won't be completable until later.

Legion or Legions?

Legion will get into the weird nature of the Burning Legion and whether Archimonde at 100 was really the same as Archimonde at 70.

There's more, but I thought those were the most interesting things.

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