Monday, July 23, 2018

The Daughter of the Sea: Jaina's Warbringers Short

Just watch this. Seriously. Watch it now.

Did you watch it? No? Watch it.

I did not expect this to be a musical piece, but holy freaking crap was that awesome. There's a popular song in Kul Tiras that is all about Jaina's betrayal of her father - a decision that seemed an altruistic sacrifice in the name of peace, but for which Jaina has been compensated by having her city destroyed.

Letting her father die at the hands of Rexxar and Rokhan is one of Jaina's biggest regrets, and one that has turned her from a beloved champion of her people into something of a monstrous folk-legend.

Now, having abandoned her desire to allow the Horde its own place in the world, we see (seriously though, watch the video) her return to the ruins of Theramore, where she allowed her father to be killed for an empty peace, ferried through the ruins by a Charon-like mysterious oarsman.

The spirit takes her out into the ocean, where Jaina encounters the spectral echo of her father's flagship, but in that location, she uses her magic to raise the sunken craft from the ocean floor, turning to the oarsman and thanking what turns out to be the ghost of her father.

As the Daughter of the Sea, Jaina has transformed into something of a monster in the eyes of her people, but now it looks like she's eagerly embracing that identity - and turning her monstrous power on the Horde.

The music here is freaking fantastic, and if this is the quality level of the other Warbringers shorts, this'll be some of the best stuff Blizzard's cinematics team has put out.

Seriously though, watch it. I'm going to watch it again.

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