Monday, July 16, 2018

Warbringers is BFA's Animated Short Series

Like Lords of War and Harbingers for WoD and Legion, respectively, BFA is getting its own semi-animated series with gorgeous art, detailing three key players.

The Warbringers shorts will focus on Jaina, Sylvanas, and Azshara, and they look pretty darn cool.

Sylvanas' appears to focus on her last days of true life, battling the Scourge and ultimately dying to Arthas. Sylvanas is the somewhat unambiguously the most evil faction leader (though Gallywix's greed is something I could see pushing him over the edge if we find out he's been doing some really horrible stuff behind the scenes,) but she's also someone who feels strongly that she is doing what she needs to do. Getting more into her motivations would be great, and I suspect that her short will help flesh out her perspective.

Azshara's appears to be about her near-drowning at the end of the War of the Ancients and her transformation, along with her followers, into the Naga. Azshara is a straight-up villain, and seems as if she was always evil, even before Sargeras contacted her. But I'm always going to be more invested in villains who have a perspective that justifies their actions, and if we can see at least some hint of Azshara's justifications, I'd be up for that. More likely this will just show how she made her pact with N'zoth and maybe started to lose control to more powerful beings even after she had kind of kept pace with the Burning Legion.

Jaina's story looks like something we haven't seen yet. She seems to be assaulted by ghostly spirits while traveling through half-sunken shipwrecks. Given the mysterious "Thros" in the max-level quests, which seems to be part of the Shadowlands, I'm probably most curious about this one.

Anyway, these shorts have been big hits since Warlords, and I'm excited to see the new ones.

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