Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Boros Legion Story Hooks

The Boros Legion is the ultimate paladin guild. Their ethos is all about doing the right thing with passion and alacrity. With their military structure and their zealous fervor, the Boros fit very nicely into a classic high-fantasy fight against the forces of evil.

A Boros adventure, or campaign, would likely culminate in some massive battle, with angels and roc-riding knights charging against some terrifying foe - a barbarian horde, a swarm of zombies, or some massive monstrosity born of magical experimentation.

But it's hard to start things off that way, and thankfully, the Boros have a good hook for the early levels.

Ultimately, the Boros are one of two guilds that serve as law enforcement on Ravnica, and while the Azorius have their own investigators and arresters, the Boros are more likely to be dealing with petty street crime and riot control.

If you have a Boros hero in your party, you can easily push the party into the story of your campaign by perhaps discovering something while chasing a criminal or investigating a crime scene. Things can start in a noir-ish, police procedural place.

Alternatively, even in a unified city, there are still military-level threats that can arise. You can start the campaign big by having some district of the city fall to some invasive force. The book details the tenth district (which is sort of the "capital" of Ravnica) but that leaves things open for a DM to invent new areas in this planet-sized city, and things might be far less orderly there.

You can kind of slide along the scale of police and military stories with the Boros - while seemingly petty crime might portend some much larger threat that must be met on the battlefield, you might also discover that some invading hordes are actually just pawns in the machinations of a corrupt villain.

While they work great as lawful good (or chaotic good) heroes, the Boros can also work as villains. Their zeal and sense of righteousness can of course allow them to overreach and start infringing on the freedom of other Ravnicans. A Boros villain could be a well-intentioned extremist, perhaps attempting to put the city under martial law in response to some threat. Or, there might be corruption in the ranks, with dirty cops who are little more than thugs with badges. Every guild in Ravnica more or less believes they should be running everything, and the Boros have the strength of arms to take a good shot at it.

The Boros have a lot of interesting member races. Obviously they have humans, but they also have minotaurs, goblins, giants, and angels (though remember that any race can technically join any guild.) They provide an interesting opportunity to have giant and angel NPCs serve as friends and acquaintances of your party. In a typical D&D world, seeing an angel would be a moment of awe and glory. But your Boros Legionnaire might get coffee with one every weekend. That "fantastical made mundane" theme is a strong throughline in Ravnica, and the Boros are a good example of how it's expressed.

Let's talk environments as well:

In Magic, Boros is Red and White, which corresponds to Mountains and Plains. Of course, these geographical ideas mean something different in a place like Ravnica, so I think the best way to think of it is that the Boros regions are going to be a mix of heavy industrial areas with forges and smokestacks, along with grand and broad streets and squares. Maybe more than any other guild, the Boros operate out in the open, and I think a grand sense of scale is a big deal for them.

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