Sunday, March 24, 2019

Catching Up on Allied Races

In the midst of the post-Antorus lull at the end of Legion, it was a fantastic time to release the first wave of Allied Races. My Lightforged Draenei Paladin, Void Elf Rogue, and Nightborne Hunter rose through the ranks and were geared enough to start Antorus by the time BFA came about (I waited for the 8.0 changes to Survival before working my Nightborne up.)

Once you have Heritage armor unlocked on one character, any other toon you have of that race can use it for transmog, so if you want to level up a second one or race-change an existing toon you can do so and get the cool item set.

The other races have been a bit slower for me to level up. My Highmountain Tauren Warrior is 55. My Dark Iron Dwarf Warlock just hit 58 and can go to Outland/Northrend. My Zandalari Troll Shaman and Kul Tiran Druid are bout around 35 (but they're pretty new.) Finally, my Mag'har Orc Monk is only level 28.

I know it's an odd time to focus on low-level alts, given that I still haven't run the Battle for Dazar'alor (even on Raid Finder) and there's still some war campaign stuff I need to do Horde-side (though I have the Alliance Wolf and Horde Horse mounts thanks to being caught up by the time 8.1.5 came out.)

Still, there's something fun about running a dungeon and getting a whole level (or two) for doing so. And with five characters to work on, I can leave plenty of them resting to build up the experience bonus.

Of these characters, I think only the Druid is likely to take over as "main of his class," over from my Night Elf who, when I started in Vanilla, was my secondary Alliance character. But having the heritage sets unlocked will be useful if there's a new class and I want to take an Allied Race option.

I'll also need to get my Blood Elf and Dwarf to 120 (they're both next-in-queue for main characters) so I can pick up the 8.1 heritage sets for them. My Tauren is my Horde co-main (he trades off with the Undead Rogue) so he's been at 120 since early in the expansion, and my Gnome warlock was I think character number 4 to hit 120 Alliance-side, so they're both primed and ready when 8.2 drops to get their heritage sets.

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