Thursday, October 10, 2019

Hoping This is Still Accurate: August Announcement Claims MTG Arena is Coming to Macs

I played Magic Online for a while in college, but as a Mac user (in part due to just having grown up always using Macs but also making use of Final Cut Pro for professional reasons) it was a pain, as I had to use Parallels to run a very slow version of Windows on my computer.

Well, searching for news about whether the new computerized version of Magic would be available on Macs, according to this release they plan to release a Mac client "shortly" after the release of the PC version.

Given that the PC version just came out of Beta, it's really a question of how long "shortly" means to them.

I actually got the two Planeswalker decks (physical ones) that came out with Throne of Eldraine, and was pleasantly surprised to find that they come with a code to also unlock the decks in Arena. So I feel even more incentivized to try it should I be able to.

Fun fact: given that the last time I really played Magic was during the Time Spiral block, these versions of Rowan and Oko are actually the first Planeswalkers I've ever owned. (Note that they're not the same ones as in the main set - for one thing, Rowan is mono-red and not partnered with her brother Will.)

I'm very excited to play MTG, which I've always found a more interesting game than its obvious competitor, Hearthstone. Arena seems to be bringing in some of the nice features of Hearthstone, like the ability to earn card packs by playing and craft cards you don't have, but with the greater depth that MTG has.

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