Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Shadowlands Beta is Live

The Shadowlands test has officially graduated from Alpha to Beta, meaning that a much larger number of testers will be coming in to try out the systems.

Naturally, I don't have an invite. Superstitiously, I think not getting an invite might mean it'll be a better expansion - I got invites for Mists, Warlords, and then BFA, and of the four in that row, I really felt Legion was far and away the best expansion (I know there are a lot of Mists fans, and while I will not fault anyone who loved it, I had several issues with it, particularly the endless rep grinds - you even needed to get revered or exalted or something with one of them before you could even start on some others! But it was certainly better than what came before and after it.)

Anyway, I'm very eager (and a little anxious) to try out Shadowlands - the premise and overall aesthetic of the expansion is 100% my style, the stakes feel high, and I'm excited for different experiences for different characters based on the Covenants.

I'm anxious, though, about balance and systems. While I know Blizzard says they're trying to learn from the mistakes of BFA, I really want to feel that Soulbinds and Covenants are going to be more pre-7.3 artifact weapon-like and not BFA's garbled mess (seriously, azerite armor is the freaking worst.)

Anyway, I'd really love to try it out because I finally got burned out on Horrific Visions (never did manage a 5-mask run - I don't really understand how it's doable, but I also don't really care anymore) and I've really just been playing a crapton of MTGA for the past few weeks (as you might be able to tell by the blog posts.)

Once again, as a PSA: there aren't any "beta keys." If you're opted in for the beta and they choose your account, you'll get it as an option in the little menu for WoW versions in the Launcher (you might need to restart the launcher for it to show up.) You should also get an email from them if you get in, but don't click anything - just access it from the launcher.

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