Thursday, December 17, 2020

Renown, Catching Up, and Campaign Gear

While my Paladin and Death Knight are nearly always my #1 and #2 characters to level up in a new expansion (last time I had my Horde Shaman go second so I could see Zandalar) my other characters in the alt-priority list have been shuffled a little this time, to make sure that I can see each covenant story. That being said, yesterday I got my Demon Hunter to 60 and had him join the Death Knight in the Venthyr (I'm a little concerned that, at least in player-power levels, I might wind up going Venthyr with, like, the vast majority of my characters, as it seems favored for Enhancement, Arms, and Havoc, and while Night Fae is apparently the recommended one for Subtlety, there's no way in hell my Undead Rogue, who I've always conceived of as being obsessed with courtly intrigue, gothic opulence, and spooky places with big castles, ain't going to join the bitey boys.)

My Mage is with the Night Fae, and while he's not done this week's story chapter, he's done the previous ones. In fact, I think both the Warlock (Necrolords) and Demon Hunter (Venthyr, as stated above) are caught up to last week.

One thing I'm really interested to see is that the campaign gear set actually has 7 ranks. While the first rank is ilevel 155, which is basically only attractive to a freshly-60 character, by this point, the gear level is 171 (and you can upgrade the older pieces for a modest fee of anima in your covenant sanctum.) Given that three of my level 60 characters have done 0-1 max-level dungeons each, being able to get several pieces of 171 gear just by doing the campaign is very appealing.

It also suggests that the end-state for these campaign gear sets (which will cover every armor slot) should eventually be pretty decent gear - even if we only go up half-steps, that means that by rank 5, we'll have a bunch of mythic dungeon quality gear, and maybe by rank 7 we'll have Normal Nathria gear.

Now, sure, in the long run that'll seem like trash, but who knows? Maybe they'll even add more ranks to them over the course of the expansion? At the very least, it'll be a big leg up to get characters at least geared for LFR.

Sadly, I haven't done much of the Ember Court, and just a bit of the Path of Ascension (and I haven't unlocked the mini-game things for the other covenants yet.) But I think that's just a consequence of having too much to do for all the characters I want doing good stuff.

At the moment, the biggest hurdle I have is getting my Enchanter skilled up to 115 so I can pump out legendary base items. I was grateful to find that leveling leatherworking was not a terribly difficult task, and while my Blacksmith is sitting queued up to start leveling after my Shaman gets a little higher and my Rogue starts, I've been stockpiling ore for him to use when he gets to Oribos.

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