Friday, July 16, 2021

And More Details About Strixhaven from Amazon

 Ok, I've gone back and forth on Strixhaven about three times now, but it seems that this is, truly, officially, a series of adventures (which seems right given the "A Curriculum of Chaos" subtitle.)

The Amazon page for the Strixhaven book describes it as four separate adventures that can be strung together to create a campaign that goes from level 1-10.

The description also says that the Owlin - the Owlfolk from the recent UA - will appear as a playable race in the book. What it does not mention, however, is the five college-related subclasses. These were introduced in UA as subclasses that multiple classes could take - a concept of which I was very skeptical, and it looks like we shan't be seeing them.

Notably, the book also has a bestiary with 40 different monsters. By comparison, Van Richten's Guide to Ravenloft had 32, so this is a sizable addition to the monstrous options, which is unusual for an adventure book.

It does seem that WotC is both stepping up its releases and also throwing in more player-facing options in releases that would normally be just for DMs. (Of course, most groups will only have the one copy anyway, but this gives players a new reason to be excited about the release.)

As someone running a Ravnica campaign, I don't mind the MTG crossovers, though maybe I'm just an old dinosaur, but I think that it'd be nice to have some of the older settings released as campaign setting books - really, just give me Dominaria, which I think is the only MTG plane that has the deep backstory and broad geography to have a really epic campaign without a ton of DM invention. I'm sure some people adore Strixhaven as a setting, but I don't really have the emotional attachment to it that I did when they announced Guildmaster's Guide to Ravnica, as Strixhaven only just got introduced to MTG in the last year.

Anyway, we're getting a big blitz of releases in the Fall, with this, Wild Beyond the Witchlight, and Fizban's Treasury of Dragons. 

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