Sunday, December 5, 2021

Into the Grand Archives

 To be honest, at this point I think I'm officially "through" the Grand Archives - I believe I just have the bridge before the Twin Princes left to do.

But I will say that I found the area to be a little tricky for a caster. The other crystal sage relocates each time you damage him on the way up to the top levels, and pelts you with some pretty nasty magic spells - even as an Intelligence-based character with a fair amount of magic resistance, I was getting slaughtered fairly regularly.

Conceptually, though, I think that the Grand Archives is one of my favorite spots in the game. I love the way that the scholars there douse their heads in wax to protect their minds from the eldritch knowledge in the books there - signified by ghostly hands that reach out of them when you pass by. The wax protects you from these if you also dunk your head in there. It also seems to give you some immunity to the damage of spells cast against you by the crystal sage and the scholars, though that seemed inconsistent (and you still get knocked back).

If I wanted any evidence to support the notion that a ranged caster build made the game easier, the best evidence was the three player-like NPCs at what I believe is the route to the bridge. These guys were very tough when I fought them as a melee class, but while I did run out of FP (and Ashen flasks) before I got the last of them down, I was able to take all of them out in a single attempt.

Anyway, I have yet to go to Oceiros' area - I considered going there before even starting the rest of Lothric Castle, but instead went up to the Grand Archives. Naturally, I'll have to go do that for the Untended Graves area and Archdragon Peak.

Rewinding a bit, fighting the Dancer of the Boreal Valley, I was surprised that my spells took out an enormous chunk of her health - roughly a fifth per cast. But she's difficult to dodge, given the fluidity of her movements, so it was more about finding the proper opportunity (my ember was immediately lost when another player invaded me in Lothric Castle).

I'm trying to remember how to open the door near the Dragonslayer Armor, where I believe the Warriors of Sunlight covenant can be upgraded. I also have only taken out one of the two big dragons in the Dragon Barracks (and holy crap is having a ranged playstyle a bonus for that.)

Anyway, I'm nearing the end of the "main quest" areas in this playthrough, though naturally I have a ton of other stuff to do. I'm probably a little over-leveled (though I haven't done a ton of farming - I think I just haven't died as often and thus haven't lost souls as often.) With something like 63 intelligence, I think I might start putting some levels into other stats to help with weapons or other things.

Anyway, yeah, the Sorcerer build definitely takes getting used to if you haven't played one before (and I think Curse-Rotted Greatwood is a lot harder) but I do think it's something to check out if you want the game to be a little easier - the game isn't easy per se, but I definitely seem to be having a somewhat easier time.

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