Sunday, June 9, 2024

War Within Out August 26th

 In a bit of a surprise, the next expansion for World of Warcraft, marking the game's 20th anniversary (which is a little freaky for a game that came out my freshman year of college... 20 years still sounds like a super long time, so to think that that long ago I was already technically an adult is... kind of crazy) is going to come out in only a little over two months.

As readers of this blog might have noticed, I'm not as focused on WoW as my primary subject matter. I think when you play a game for coming on 18 years, your enthusiasm naturally waxes and wanes, and while I think Dragonflight was a fantastic expansion that really did a lot of the things I think an all-time great one should, I've just been a little less invested in the game (we're also in the post-final-boss slump, and while there's definitely FOMO from having a once-decently-geared main now left pretty far behind in Season Four, I'm not really playing very much at all because there's not much in the way of truly new content).

On a personal note, the date is kind of hilarious for me because it's the day that I fly off to the east coast to help take care of and welcome a new member of the family. So it's likely that for the first time since... Burning Crusade, I won't be able to play all day after the expansion launch. I do think there will be some downtime, and I'll have my laptop with me (I would have anyway, but I must remember to bring my mouse).

Anyway, I have not been following the Beta very closely, so while I have a general gist of what we'll be seeing down in Khaz Algar, I expect there will be plenty of surprises.

If anything, though, this makes me feel more ok with skipping much of Season Four, as it'll be all the sooner that any gear gets replaced in early leveling.

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