Friday, October 3, 2014

Character Creation Sets from the Salvage Yard

Beginning, I believe, with Mists of Pandaria, players creating new characters will be treated to a nice look at what their class might wear, armor-wise, once they get up to high-level. Many of these armor sets are updated, high-res versions of old, vanilla-era armor, like Mages, who have what looks like Incanter's Regalia (if I recall correctly, that was the name of the original mage Dungeon Set 1 armor.) Many have asked for an opportunity to get those pieces for transmog purposes - which must be the most universally popular feature ever introduced to the game.

Well, it looks like we'll finally have a source. At your garrison in Draenor, there are two Small buildings that don't correspond to a production profession. These are the Storehouse, which is primarily a bank, but can be upgraded to have Void Storage, Transmog, and increase your other buildings' work order capacities. The other is the Salvage Yard (which I'm pretty tempted to get on my Paladin, because as an Engineer who, despite being human, thinks of Ironforge as home, somehow a Salvage Yard, Engineering Works, Dwarven Bunker and Gnomish Gearworks seem like necessities.) The Salvage Yard allows you to collect Salvage, I believe primarily from follower missions. You can then melt it down or otherwise salvage it there in order to get rewards. Much of this will be gold or garrison resources, but you'll also get follower gear upgrades and, to get to the point - this new transmog armor.

You'll only get pieces for your class, and I believe it will be soulbound. Unfortunately, I think that makes this feature far less attractive to classes like Death Knights, who can already purchase additional copies of their starting gear, both the green literally starting set and also the blue quest-set, the former being the set that they see at character creation. Monks also have a somewhat more simple set that they do actually wear when they start the character, though in this case, the new stuff will be transmoggable, so at least there's that.

Some classes will also not have a perfect solution for a full transmog set. For example, the Hunter character creation set does not have shoulders, and you won't simply get an "invisible shoulders" transmog option. A lot of the sets are missing helmets, too, though I think they're adding some in for the transmog sets (perhaps they'll add in some shoulders for hunters as well.)

Anyway, it's a fun little thing that will add some cool stuff to get through your garrison. Blizzard is doing a good job of making your building choices a hard decision, though thankfully with a lot of them, you'll be able to switch them out and still retain some of the benefits, like acquiring the mounts via the Stables and then putting something else there.

Now, all of this said: The Salvage Yard is the one building whose level 1 blueprints you don't automatically learn upon upgrading your garrison to tier 2 (which happens some time in your questing in SMV or FFR, or I think just upon hitting 92 if you haven't gotten far enough in the quests yet.) To get the Salvage Yard, you'll have to be at least level 96 so that you can do a set of quests in Spires of Arak. There is a Goblin lady who is running a facility there that has come under attack by the aggressive Draenor fungi. Helping her out, and working with her to rescue her uncle, will not only get you her as a nice high-level follower, but it will also give you the blueprints to make your basic Salvage Yard. Further upgrades will be available for purchase with gold or Garrison Blueprint books awarded by certain quest chains, much as other buildings are.

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