Monday, March 2, 2020

Folks, Baldur's Gate III Looks Really Good

I am no veteran of the Baldur's Gate games. I got "Enhanced Edition" when it became available and could never get past the tutorial phase of the game. I'm sure that it's a great game when you get used to its systems, and it's one of those games I'm constantly imagining I'll return to and try out "for real," but I haven't been able to get myself to do so. When the game first came out, I don't think I even registered it - it was around the time that I had finally gotten a video game console, and I was probably more excited about games like Mario 64, Ocarina of Time, and Perfect Dark.

But a couple things: one is, I've now become far more well-versed in D&D - both its (5th Edition) mechanics and the lore of the Forgotten Realms.

I've literally just finished playing Baldur's Gate: Descent into Avernus (which, to be fair, is only in Baldur's Gate until you hit level 5 - then you go to the titular first layer of the Nine Hells) so I have a much better sense of the eponymous city (it's not great!)

So my interest for this new game is piqued in a way that it certainly wasn't when the original came out over 20 years ago.

But what has really been encouraging me is seeing the way the developers are talking about it.

Naturally, behind-the-scenes stuff is part of marketing, especially on a project that is awaited but not coming out for a while. They want us to feel that there are passionate and talented people working on the project.

But I also think that you don't often get to see that "how the sausage is made" stuff unless they're feeling good about what they've made. What they've shown off is a game that looks like a labor of love, as well as one in which they're proud of what they're producing.

Anyway, I'm feeling pretty excited about this game. We might have something really great here, which is nice given that I don't feel like there have been many "really great" games coming out lately.

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