Monday, June 8, 2020

Looking at the Playable Races of Theros

Theros, the second MTG setting coming to D&D, is a world inspired by Greek mythology.

Greek myth was populated by many types of beings and monsters, and Theros has several that are inspired by that mythological foundation.

Many of these are familiar, existing in earlier publications, but we also get a few more.


Yep, every setting has humans, obviously. And in typical fashion, humans are the "Mario" of races, having the average, balanced stats and well-suited to any class or build. Humans are found in the Poleis (city-states/cultures) of Meletis, Akros, and Setessa, which correspond roughly, respectively, with the cultures of Athens, Sparta, and the Amazons (the mythological culture of warrior-women that both freaked out and kind of turned on the patriarchal Greeks).


Minotaurs are mechanically identical to the ones found in Guildmaster's Guide to Ravnica. While Ravnica's Minotaurs are typically drawn to the chaotic Gruul Clans and the lawful Boros Legion, in Theros, the typical Minotaur is drawn to the god Mogis, who's basically the equivalent of Ares (as in, super chaotic-evil, not to be confused with the Romans' version, Mars) and who takes the form of a celestial minotaur. Not all Minotaurs are evil, but that's their general reputation.


Another reprint from Ravnica, and also a race taken from Greek myth. There are two major "Bands" of Centaurs in Theros, and both are nomadic, roaming people who trade with the other races, or attack and plunder their traders in the open country. Iroas, the God of War (more in line with Athena or the Roman Mars, in that he is honorable and strategic, unlike Mogis) takes the form of a celestial Centaur.


The Leonin are a race of lion-like humanoids. Before the Gods empowered the mortal races to rise up, the plane was ruled by the Archons, a tyrannical group of celestial beings. When the mortal races were inspired to rise up by the Gods, the Archons' empire was smashed, but the Leonin, generally, chose to reject yet another supreme authority, and left the poleis to found their own civilization where they would be ruled only by themselves.

Leonin get a 35ft base movement speed. They get a +2 bonus to constitution and a +1 to Strength.

They get 60ft darkvision and can use their claws as natural weapons for a d4 of damage plus strength.

Leonin also get a choice of bonus proficiencies: Atheltics, Intimidation, Survival, or Perception.

As a bonus action, they can unleash a Dreadful Roar, forcing everyone in 10 feet to succeed on a Wisdom saving throw (Con based DC) or be frightened of you until your next turn, recharging on a short or long rest.


Tritons are another reprint, and are the somewhat alien dwellers beneath the waves, who are driven to explore and unearth secrets. The Tritons trade with the surface-races, but exist apart from them (notably, the Goddess of the Sea, Thassa, takes the form of a Triton.)


Satyrs are dedicated to the idea of appreciating life and the world, and embracing destiny. Famed for their Baccanalian parties and their mission to bring "The Revels" to the other races, the Satyrs might be dismissed as comic relief, but the wise among them fervently believe in a spiritual need to embrace the world for what it is.

Satyrs, like Centaurs, are considered fey rather than humanoid. They gain +2 to Charisma and +1 to Dexterity.

They have 35 ft baseline movement speed. Additionally, when they make a long or high jump (even from standing still) they can roll a d8 and add that many feet to the jump.

Their horns work as a natural weapon, dealing 1d4 plus strength bludgeoning on a hit.

Perhaps the most impressive bonus is Magic resistance - they have advantage on saving throws against all spells and magic effects.

Satyrs also get their choice of bonus proficiency: Performance or Persuasion, as well as proficiency with a musical instrument of their choice.


Of the two brand-new races, I think Satyrs' magic resistance is a huge bonus, and buffs to Charisma and Dexterity are good for several classes. Other than, potentially, humans, the only race with any Wisdom buff are Centaurs, but then again, any class can have a strong relationship with a God, not just Clerics.

Leonin are clearly well-suited to heavy melee classes like Barbarians, Paladins, or Fighters, which is also true for Minotaurs. There's also not a ton of races here with darkvision (I think only Leonin and Tritons.)

Unlike Ravnica, where racial differences seem to take a backseat to guild affiliation, the different peoples of Theros seem far more divided among racial lines. Minotaurs in particular seem poised to have interesting stories, given the assumption by many that you're all about that evil slaughter-god.

The existence of a second Fey race (which is funny, because Centaurs are monstrosities in the Monster Manual, which is also true of Minotaurs, who, as a playable race, are just humanoids) is an interesting development - I wonder if we might see more bending of creature-type in races in the future (though would that mean they'd have to retroactively make Warforged constructs? And if so, how do you heal them?)

Leonin in particular are exciting to have formalized, given their prevalence in MTG planes - as someone whose Ravnica game is going to go inter-planar at some point, I'm happy to have official versions of such a race in case someone wants to/has to reroll. (I was just going to use Tabaxi but replace their Dex bonus with Strength.)

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