Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Critical Role: Call of the Netherdeep

 A new D&D adventure book has been announced, and it'll be our second official release dealing with the Exandria setting. There are a few things that make this exciting.

First off, it does truly seem like we're getting major adventure books set somewhere other than the Forgotten Realms. The upcoming Strixhaven: Curriculum of Chaos is going to be a couple of adventures tied together on a Magic the Gathering plane (though a different one than Ravnica or Theros), but Call of the Netherdeep marks the first full module to take place in a setting that has had a full campaign sourcebook (with the exception of Curse of Strahd, which came out well before the release of Van Richten's Guide to Ravenloft and was written under the assumption that you're starting in the Forgotten Realms setting.)

Given that the next Critical Role campaign, which starts in a little over a week, takes place on the continent of Marquet, it makes sense that this adventure will begin in Xhorhas (one of the regions of Wildemount) before taking players to Marquet, and then plunging them into the Netherdeep.

The Netherdeep is described as a strange mixture of the deep sea and the Far Realm, which peaks my interest significantly.

The adventure is also designed to take players from levels 3 to 12, with a tweet by Matt Mercer suggesting that the intro adventures in Explorer's Guide to Wildemount are the expected way to get characters to level 3 (though honestly, I think it's fine to start a campaign at whatever level it starts at - most players can handle starting off at level 3.)

Anyway, while I was hoping for an announcement of a Spelljammer campaign setting sourcebook for this coming spring, I'm also very excited to hear about this. (Also, one book does not rule out the other, especially as it appears that, like the Wildemount sourcebook, this will be led by James Haeck, leaving folks like James Wyatt and Chris Perkins to work on D&D's existing IPs.)

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