Saturday, February 5, 2022

Going For Speed in Metroid Dread

 After months of playing Dark Souls 3, I decided to return to a game that was a bit easier - Metroid Dread. Shortly after getting the game when it first came out, I played through Metroid Dread three times. Coming back a couple months later, I've been speeding through the normal difficulty mode in the hopes of getting off ZDR in less than 4 hours, which grants a sort of achievement.

At the present moment, I've got 3h 15m on the clock, but I've also just gotten the Cross Bombs. So, if I recall correctly, I only need to get the Wave Beam and Power Bombs now - the latter of which comes pretty much just before the end of the game.

My general attitude has been only to grab items if they're sort of "obviously" on the way - without a major deviation in route. I've now got a little over a hundred missiles and what I think is a decent number of energy tanks (I want to say 7). We will, of course, have to see whether that's enough when I face Raven Beak.

Shooting for time here does, I think, undercut some of what I enjoy about Metroid games, to be honest. I've sort of cultivated a lack of curiosity, instead trying to map out the most efficient route to the next key item, and I've even reset to a previous save point or check point if I've found that I've gone out of the way. On the other hand, I've done 100% runs twice in this game.

One thing I find funny is that what I consider to be the hardest of the Shinespark puzzles, in Burenia, actually turns out to be a pretty good shortcut when getting the Gravity Suit, and I've managed to pull it off without too much trouble (even doing one of those aforementioned resets and having to do it again).

Of course, I know a speed run in this game tends to be even more reckless - I'm still following what I think is the expected route through the game, just without looking back.

Anyway, it's still really good.

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