Sunday, June 10, 2018

Elder Scrolls VI Announced. And That's About It!

I had honestly given up hope and stopped watching their conference, but here it is, a teaser for Elder Scrolls VI!

Yeah, see that? Lots of details about...

Ok, so we got basically nothing except confirmation that it's actually going to happen. As a big Skyrim fan, I've been waiting for... seven years now for a new game in the main series. With Elder Scrolls Online seeming to take up much of their brand energy, I started to worry that I sounded like one of those people constantly asking for Warcraft 4.

But it's coming! So that's a relief.

Now, the question is what its story will be about and where it's set. Given the landscape, I'd guess High Rock, the land of the Bretons, as it has a fairly Ireland-esque look to it (I was hoping for a desert-like Hammerfell.) But who really knows?

Given that Skyrim could end in various different ways - with the province either exiting the Empire or remaining part of it - I wonder how they'll decide the "canon" ending, or if they'll keep Skyrim's state intentionally vague.

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