Saturday, June 2, 2018

Wait, No, There's Another One: Waterdeep: Dungeon of the Mad Mage

So as it turns out, much like Hoard of the Dragon Queen and Rise of Tiamat way back when 5e was first published, Waterdeep is going to be an adventure split into two books.

Dragon Heist will take players from level 1 to 5, dealing with the various factions in the city. The idea is that if DMs and player groups are getting antsy to get out of the city, they can then continue on with their own campaign or maybe pick up in some other campaign.

Dungeon of the Mad Mage continues on from the Dragon Heist story and takes players into the Undermountain - the massive dungeon that exists beneath Waterdeep. And this one is meant to take players from 5 to 20.

Yes, this is the first published adventure meant to take players all the way to the level cap (even Out of the Abyss only took them to 15.)

And the concept of Dungeon of the Mad Mage is that this will be a Mega Dungeon - the rest of the campaign is set in this single, massive dungeon complex. You'll descend through different levels of the dungeon, each of which have their own factions and stories. Meanwhile, the Mad Mage Hallaster, a super-powerful and totally insane archmage, will wander the dungeon.

I like that they seem to be getting creative with the recent adventures. Tomb of Annihilation, with its nasty death mechanics and its emphasis on grim humor has a very different feel from the other published adventures, and this looks like it'll be a fair departure from other ones as well.

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