Friday, September 21, 2018

8.1 Goes on the PTR, and Boy Howdy Are There Some Interesting Story Spoilers

Aside from cool new models (including what look like the aquatic form for Zandalari druids and a new Bald Eagle Moonkin form for Highmountain Tauren) there are some MASSIVE STORY SPOILERS that come from various scenarios and such.

Remember that this is all PTR stuff and subject to change, but seriously: there are some juicy bits here.

SPOILERS AHOY (I'm going to be kind of sad when we're not in the nautical expansion anymore and I have to go back to saying "ahead.)

Where to start?

Well, one provocative title was a scenario or quest that was called "The Fall of the Sunwell," but I suspect this is a flashback as part of the Blood Elf heritage armor quests (guess I've got to level up that Shadow Priest.)

But there's a lot more that seems new.

First off: There is something involving the Lich King. In what seems to be a scenario called "Jailor of the Damned," you are sent to "Confront the Lich King" with Bwonsamdi. However, I suspect this does not go very well, as a later part involves things like "Retreat to Bwonsamdi's Death Gate" and "Escape the Frozen Throne."

Could we see Bolvar declare for the Alliance, with Bwonsamdi taking a similar position for the Horde? Or are both faction-neutral parties?

The latter seems less likely given that Bwonsamdi apparently assists in the Rastakhan fight against the Alliance.

Sticking to scenarios before we touch on the raid:

Tyrande is apparently planning on undergoing a ritual to become something called the "Night Warrior." We need to defend her while she does this, but presumably this means she's going to become some kind of dark badass. Let me tell you, as someone who played Warcraft III (admittedly after I started with WoW,) I have really wished we could see Tyrande in brutal mistress of the wilds mode. She was a stone-cold badass, and unfortunately I think they've upstaged her a bit to put "friendly dad who doesn't admit his mistakes" Malfurion at the forefront. If ever there were an excuse for the Night Elves to go back to the Old Ways - remorseless guerrillas making no place in the forest safe for anyone they didn't allow to be there - it would be now.

Apparently Nathanos will be leading the charge in this part of Kalimdor, and I will say I like that they're giving him more to do - Sylvanas is an icon, but the Forsaken have needed additional prominent characters.

It also looks like someone (I'm assuming Horde) is going to be breaking Lady Ashvane out of Tol Dagor - might we see this would-be usurper turn full traitor? I would not put it past her. Or, alternatively, is there something she knows that could be useful for more benevolent reasons?

There's also going to be something in Gnomeregan, perhaps a final canonical confrontation with Thermaplugg (interesting that we also fought Zalazane again.) There's stuff about a heist, though I don't really know where it takes place.

But let's move onto the raids!

There's a list of potential bosses with what I assume are adds listed under them?

Siege of Zuldazar

Grimfang and Firecaller: This one is just a name. Grimfang could be a Worgen character, though that's pure inference.

Duel with a Duo (H): I assume the H means this is one of the Horde's three "exclusive" bosses (not really exclusive, as Alliance gets to fight them as a flashback.)

King Grong: Holy crap, the Kaja'mite-fueled winged ape people in Zuldazar are actually going to get a raid boss. There are separate listings for Flying Ape Wranglers, Grong, and Apetaganizer 3000.

Loa Council: This appears to be a fight against champions of various Loa - I'd guess the most prominent ones in Zuldazar. Given that it says there are six of them, I wonder if this is going to be a weekly rotating selection.

Frida Ironbellows: This appears to be a Dark Iron Dwarf Paladin who has some adds: "Anointed Disciple" and "Darkforged Crusader." I'd assume this is, once again, one of the "Horde" fights against Alliance characters.

High Tinker Mekkatorque: No description, but I think the Horde's going to be fighting the High Tinker, presumably in his awesome battle-suit.

King Rastakhan: There are a lot of adds listed here, including Bwonsamdi. Given that this is the Alliance's main boss of the raid, I imagine it's a complex fight.

Sea Priest Blockade: This also appears to be a pretty complex fight, and I wonder if this is the "Jaina" fight. Notably, there's a character named Tidepriestess Katherine. Did they just reuse the name, or is Katherine Proudmoore a Tidepriestess now? There's been some speculation that Jaina will survive the raid, but that Katherine might sacrifice herself to save her daughter. Needs more investigation.

Moving on:

The Crucible of Storms raid is in Stormsong Valley and is all about Naga and Old Gods. So what have we got there?

The Restless Cabal: This will be a council fight of presumably Naga who are super-corrupted by N'zoth.

Uu'nat, Harbinger of the Void: This might be the guy who threatens you once you hit revered with Champions of Azeroth and do that quest. Presumably some kind of horrifying void monstrosity.

Finally, a new world boss: Ivus the Forest Lord. Isn't that the guy that the Alliance summoned in Alterac Valley? I wonder if this is a Horde-only boss and that Alliance fights the big elemental the Horde would summon.

Anyway, we're early here, but there's a lot of choice bits to chew on.

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