Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Everything Opened Today!

The biggest event today in World of Warcraft was the opening of Uldir, the first raid for the Battle for Azeroth expansion. Normal should be dropping 355 loot while Heroic drops 370. Mythic Uldir launches a week from today, along with the first LFR tier, which will drop 340 loot (perhaps less exciting if you've been doing Mythic dungeons, but still worthwhile unless you're armed to the teeth already. Also, a good way to see the raid if your guild isn't quite there yet. Plus, purple-toned weapons and armor!)

World Bosses are up as well, with the big C'thrax dude in Stormsong Valley, who is relatively easy to get to if you have any sort of water-walking mount. There's a Horde flight point that I think is actually closer to him than the nearest Alliance one. This guy drops 355 gear (I was lucky enough to get the trinket on my Death Knight.)

The other huge thing is that Warfronts are now open, though the actual Warfront itself is not yet, as the Horde is currently in a resource-gathering stage. Much like the Ahn'qiraj war effort from back before even I had started playing (I'm pretty sure Naxxramas-40 had already opened before I made my first character,) you'll be able to turn in various gathered materials from professions in order to speed up the eventual battle for the Horde to take over Arathi Highlands. These net you some Honorbound reputation, which should help in the quest to complete your war campaign and unlock those Mag'har Orcs.

Meanwhile, the Alliance has access to Arathi already, which has a number of quests that reward huge amounts of war resources, as well as a piece of 340 gear and big chunks of Azerite. But the biggest advantage to having control is that you get access to an additional World Boss: Doom's Howl (when Horde controls the place it will be Lion's Roar, but they're clearly mechanically identical and even look similar.) This boss drops 870 gear (and here I was lucky enough to replace an 830 trinket with the 870 one on my Paladin main.)

At the moment, the quests that reward all these resources and the gear appear to be one-per-account, though I suspect this is a bug (my guess is that, like Island expeditions, they only have you do the intro quest once per account, but that they may have accidentally put these quests under the same umbrella.)

Hopefully those quests will be made available to alts, because at about 200 war resources a pop (the world bosses also have world quests associated with them that reward 250,) suddenly the dearrth of war resources no longer seems like such a burden, and I can actually imagine eventually getting those later research goals done.

Oh, and one last thing:

Arathi Highlands, or at least the version of it where the Warfronts take place, looks amazing. They've totally rebuilt it, with modern terrain textures and ambient environmental details. The Witherbark village has some Zandalari assets. The elemental circles are updated. Just the grass and hills and everything looks a lot more detailed and vibrant. It makes me sort of wish they'd do a gradual zone-by-zone clean-up of the Old World and put max-level content there.

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