Wednesday, September 5, 2018

What Monsters I Want to See in Guildmaster's Guide to Ravnica

We're still a bit over two months out from the release of Guildmaster's Guide to Ravnica. As a sourcebook like Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide or the digital Wayfarer's Guide to Eberron, I mainly expected GGtR to be background on the world, a few new races and class options, and that'd be it. Apparently, while it will include a bunch of those, it will also apparently have a ton of monsters - one interview said that it would have approximately as many as Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes, which, you know, is basically Monster Manual 3 for fifth edition.

Now, I played Magic long, long before I ever played D&D, and so there are some creatures that I'm familiar with that I would love to see in a D&D context.

Not all creatures from Magic show up in all sets - there's very little to do with Phyrexia in Ravnica, for example - but there are a lot of interesting elements that I hope to see touched on in GGtR.


Thrulls were introduced in Fallen Empires, a booster pack of which was the very first Magic product I got. These creatures are unholy amalgamations of dead flesh that has been reconstituted into a living creature that is bred specifically to be sacrificed.

In Ravnica, the Orzhov Syndicate serves as the plane's church, but is a thinly-veiled mafia-like organization that bleeds money from the citizenry in order to enrich themselves. Members of the Orzhov are often granted a second life of sorts as a ghost after their death - the leaders of the Orzhov are an oligarchical council of ghosts - but the physical remains of its people are often transformed into Thrulls that serve as messengers, servants, and enforcers for the Syndicate.

Back in Fallen Empires, set on a different plane, Thrulls actually rebelled against the dark cult that created them, and so I could certainly imagine a story hook in which the party is contacted by an Orzhov priest whose Thrulls have gone feral.

Vampire variants:

Ravnica is meant to have a quasi-central/eastern European vibe to it (it's kind of Prague-like,) and so vampires play a rather large role in the setting. House Dimir, the clandestine illuminati-like organization that has eyes and ears everywhere and likes to control information, was founded by a vampire named Szadek. While Szadek seems to have a largely humanoid appearance, there are other creatures like the Moroii who look far more alien. And vampires of the Dimir guild often feed not on blood, but on thoughts, so having some kind of psychic vampires would make a lot of sense in this setting.


We have the Water Weird in the Monster Manual, but pushing for greater diversity among elementals in Ravnica would seem like a good call - especially due to the reckless experimentation of the Izzet League. Weirds might kind of straddle the line between Elemental and Aberration (though less of the Lovecraftian variety and more of the experiment-gone-wrong type.)


There are a lot of nasty things that stalk the undercity - whether they be mind-sucking creatures employed by the Dimir, insectoid garbage-processors used by the Golgari Swarm, or even the bizarre Nephilim.

Lots of New Humanoids:

Ravnica is bringing in a lot of new playable races, like Minotaurs, Centaurs, Vedalken, Simic Hybrids, and Viashino. It would make sense to have some pre-fab NPC statblocks worked out for these.

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