Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Facets of the Shadowlands Level-Cap Content

 Having hit 60 on my Death Knight and finally figuring out a fix for a weird bug that made the game not unplayable but really unpleasant, I've been continuing to explore the content that unlocks at the level cap.

Naturally, there's the usual options of dungeons, pvp, world quests, etc. But there are also two important quest chains that you'll start.

The obvious one is that when you hit 60, you're going to be picking a covenant (while I believe the plan is still to let alts pick them after they get to Oribos, which will probably be at around level 51, as the intro quests in the Maw are enough to get you through a level in my experience, currently on the beta new alts are just going through the same Bastion-Maldraxxus-Ardenweald-Revendreth path that has you choosing only at level 60.)

Picking a covenant will give you that covenant's class and general ability, and you'll get access to the covenant sanctum. From here, things kind of blow up. I'm not sure if we're missing some tutorial quests, but you're going to get pretty frontloaded with soulbinds, adventures, and various daily quests as well as the covenant campaign.

The campaign will, among other things, award you the awesome armor that is linked to the covenant over the course of the quests, though at least right now, the armor is a little underwhelming power-wise - while it's all epics, you can often get better stuff as blue gear from world quests. Still, these sets are probably going to be mostly desired for transmog.

So far the covenant campaign seems like a rather extensive quest line (my DK's with the Venthyr) that further tutorializes elements of the zone and bonuses you get (Venthyr can unlock a number of blood-mirrors that allow you to teleport around Revendreth.)

The other major questline is the one that sends you into Torghast, which both introduces the new infinite, procedurally generated solo-to-5 dungeon, but also gives you stuff to do in the Maw.

I've only scratched the surface on these, but both seem important to the overall plot of the expansion.

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