Thursday, September 17, 2020

Initial Zendikar Rising Impressions

 While the MTG Arena servers are clearly groaning under the weight of what I imagine is a huge influx of players who want to check out the new set, I've managed to play three games using new cards I've gotten. I'm still "waiting for server" to record my latest win with a new landfall-based deck.

I've played with two archetypes - a "party" based deck that seeks to have a warrior, rogue, wizard, and cleric out, and another that is built around landfall and a mythic legendary elemental card that makes all my non-token creatures also count as forests, which means that landfall creatures trigger their own landfall effect.

I was happy to get a fair number of pathways in my 50-pack pre-order. These are very odd dual-lands, as unlike most dual-lands, where you want to get them out first (especially as they often come into play tapped,) with the Pathways, you generally want to hold off on them - if you have a forest, a plains, and a green/white pathway, for example, you'll probably want to see if you draw another plains or another forest during your next couple turns before you pick which side you want to play.

I haven't really investigated how synergistic the new cards are with existing deck archetypes, though I think the landfall stuff should play in nicely with Mono-green stompy and ramp builds.

Naturally, the metagame will take a while to develop.

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