Friday, March 18, 2022

D&D's New Tease

 The D&D twitter account just released a fun little tease:

 We get a gif of a set of crystals with what is probably the cover of a soon-to-be-announced book.

Mirroring the text seen in the crystals, the title appears to be "Journey to the Radiant Citadel."

So, what does it mean?

Well, we've been expecting that WotC would be releasing a Spelljammer book some time this year. Crystals play an important role in that setting, given that each solar-system-like region that houses a material plane world is said to exist within a Crystal Sphere.

It has been a very long time since the last official Spelljammer release, and I would not be shocked to see some shake-ups to the "mechanics" of the setting, similar to how we saw the elimination of the "Core" in Ravenloft, which put each of the Domains of Dread in physical relation to one another, instead favoring the notion of each domain being sort of adrift in the Mists.

Thus, it's possible that a new take on Spelljammer might involve the use of the Ethereal Plane in place of something like the Phlogiston.

Another thing to note: if the title really is Journey to the Radiant Citadel, I think this seems to suggest an adventure book more than a campaign setting book. We have, to be fair, seen a kind of blurring of lines between those of late, with the introduction of playable races in The Wild Beyond the Witchlight (which, to be fair, had precedence with Princes of the Apocalypse).

I'll be honest: if the Spelljammer book is an adventure rather than a setting sourcebook, I'll be pretty disappointed. I like to run homebrew adventures, and I find the campaign sourcebooks more inspiring than individual adventures. But something is certainly better than nothing.

Supposedly Tuesday is going to be when WotC makes some new announcements for D&D, so I expect we'll get the official word then.

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