Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Nearing Malenia: I Might Be Getting to the End of Elden Ring

 At this point, I've got three +10 weapons (all Somber-stone ones, so maxed out,) which are the Carian Regal Scepter (one of Rennala's remembrance items,) Lusat's Staff (which burns 50% extra FP on spells to do 15% more damage, but also has very high spell buff) and the Moonveil, which is a pretty solid melee weapon for an INT build. I've also just hit level 140 - and honestly, I think if I farmed Ephael, Brace of the Haligtree, I could get up to 150 without breaking much of a sweat.

Of course, being this high level means I hit the Intelligence softcap a while ago - at 80, subsequent points in the stat only increase your staves' spell buff by tiny amounts. So, instead, I'm shooting for 40 Mind and 40 Vigor (I've currently got 36 in each). I might go for the Prince of Death's Staff, which scales equally in Intelligence and Faith, and I believe can get an even higher spell buff than Lusat's, but of course requires some split investment - if I can keep leveling up, I might drop some into Faith.

Anyway, I'm starting to get the sense that I've really seen most of the game at this point. But I'm hesitant to actually finish the game in case we get some DLC - I'd like to be able to do that DLC on my first playthrough. That's likely a very long time away, but I also have plenty to do with alts - my Paladin character is only level 70 or so, and has just hit the mountaintop of the giants. I also started a Samurai and a Prophet character, each of whom I've barely played, but on whom I might try some new builds. I also figure I should make a super Strength/Endurance/Vigor build to wield colossal weapons (the Samurai might focus on archery, actually).

On my main character, I've diversified my spells a bit, and I'm having a lot of fun: my new boss rotation is to hit them once with Ranni's Dark Moon and then chug my flask of Wondrous Physick, which has the tear that negates all mana costs for about 10 seconds, and then I let loose with Meteorite of Astel - which is not a precise weapon, but if it's a big enough target, I can dump asteroids on them that do about 5000-6000 damage when they hit. The key is just making sure I have enough distance to keep channeling the spell while they get very angry with me.

It's always easy to miss things in these games, and I think the massive world that is Elden Ring makes that even more likely - I did manage to finish Milicent's quest chain - which is sort of ambiguous (what was the needle doing to her that Gowry wanted?) Likewise Latenna's. I actually finished Fia's as well, even though I intend to go with the Age of Stars ending.

Anyway, my go-to Soulsborne series YouTuber, VaatiVidya, has been uncharacteristically quiet, but then again, I never want to blame someone for taking time off from the unending "content" machine.

One thing I was thinking about is the Albinaurics. The name, I believe, means "white gold" ("albin" like albino or alba, and "auric" meaning "goldlike"). Gold and silver are very clearly important things in this game's story. White gold in the real world is an alloy of gold and other metals like nickel.

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