Sunday, June 9, 2019

Elden Ring: A New Game from From Software and George R. R. Martin

We don't have a ton of details, but after leaks about a week ago, Elden Ring has been announced as a new collaboration between FromSoft, the makers of punishingly difficult games like Dark Souls, and George R. R. Martin, author of the punishingly subversive fantasy series A Song of Ice and Fire (which you might know better by the name of its TV adaptation, a little show called Game of Thrones.)

Honestly, it's a good match, given that Martin is someone who builds incredibly detailed worlds and then just barely hints at the details (if you've only seen the show and not read the books, it's amazing how many subtle stories are going on in the background and backstory of the series.) Meanwhile, FromSoft's most famous franchise, the Soulsborne games (Dark Souls I-III, Demon Souls, and Bloodborne) also have a profound number of mysteries and details that you really have to dig through in order to get the whole story.

Now, I don't know if Hidetaka Miyazaki (not to be confused with Hayao,) the auteur behind the Soulsborne games, is involved in this new project, but if we are to assume that it at least carries some of the ethos of those (which. to be fair, is an assumption, as FromSoft has definitely made other types of games,) we can probably expect a bleak, difficult, and dense game out of Elden Ring, which leaks suggest involves your character traveling from kingdom to kingdom to assassinate the leaders of each land.

UPDATE: Yes, Hidetaka Miyazaki is involved. Which means this is going to be good.

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