Friday, June 7, 2019

Overwatch - Yes, I'm Finally Playing

As an early birthday present to myself, I decided to get a Playstation Plus membership. I got the Borderlands Handsome Collection for free, but I also tossed in twenty bucks to finally check out Overwatch - a game I'd probably have played a lot earlier if they had it for Macs.

Anyway, I have very little sense of what I'm doing, but I can only assume I suck at this point.

So far, I've enjoyed playing Junkrat and actually Mercy - the latter largely because she can focus primarily on healing, and thus I have a real sense that I'm actually helping when I play her.

I've also gotten some sense of Roadhog, whose suite of abilities is relatively simple (though I can almost never seem to land his hook attack.)

Rumor has it that an Overwatch 2 is in the works, which will actually have a single-player, or at least PvE aspect to it, which is something I'd really like to see. Overwatch has pretty deep lore (which I know about primarily thanks to Blizzard Watch) but there's no chance to experience it in-game, as everything's just a multiplayer PvP fight.

Still, Blizzard has a well-earned reputation for tight balance, and the aesthetic and character design in the game is top-notch. I'll be curious to check out the online modes for Bloodborne and Dark Souls.

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