Monday, June 10, 2019

My Favorite Overwatch Characters So Far

I'm very new to this now several-year-old game, but hey.

Anyway, I'm starting to get a feel for a few characters I like.

Top is Bastion - which I know had a reputation for being overpowered for a while (and maybe still is.) Like Sgt. Hammer in Heroes of the Storm, Bastion is all about sacrificing mobility in the name of profound power. Once in turret form, your minigun does massive damage with tight precision, and when you get lucky and see a bunch of enemy heroes grouped up, you can sometimes get a real kill-streak. You can also burn through shields made by various tank characters relatively quickly. Naturally, the downside is that the second or so it takes to transform is an eternity in a game where you can go from full health to dead in moments.

Junkrat is another favorite. I never quite pull off his trap and remote bombs as effectively as I'd like, but when it works, it's really satisfying. In one match, I managed to flank the enemy team's Orisa and its shield and tossed a bomb into a group, taking two of them out at once and then giving the third too little time to react.

Tank-wise, I haven't really gotten a favorite yet. Reinhardt can be pretty fun, and his shield can help if the party is smart enough to actually use it.

For healers, the only one I've played much of is Mercy. While she does have her pistol, you can basically play her as a dedicated healer, which I find a little easier to wrap my head around in a game like this.

Anyway, I'm working on figuring out Soldier 76 and McCree (as a Critical Role fan, I feel like I've got to play the Matt Mercer character at least a bit, right?)

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